DAIRY MANURE MANAGEMENT How bluTEQ Helps. bluTEQ works with Dairy farmers in providing economical and sterile bedding which is the exact dryness that the dairy cows want. After the manure is pumped from a lagoon or holding tank through a separator the remaining solids are delivered to the bluTEQ infrared auger. Through 40 feet of infrared heaters the auger slowly moves the product along. After 14 minutes of infrared heat the manure has reduced the water content from 25% to 50% and 99% of all pathogens have been killed. The new bedding is clean, odor free and dry. INFRARED DRYING TECHNOLOGY Infrared technology imitates the sun and through this process it provides enough heat and energy to effectively dry organic solids. The heating of a product directly means that significantly less energy is required to remove moisture. When incorporated in the correct drying system the result is a highly reliable, efficient and long lasting dryer that is attainable for even the tight budgets. BENEFITS PATHOGEN FREE BEDDING FOR YOUR CATTLE ODOR IS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED SPECIFIC DRYNESS CAN BE ACHIEVED CONTINUOUS FLOW SYSTEM INCLUDES: SAFETY CONTROLS & FIRE SAFETY SYSTEM REMOTE OPERATION AND MONITORING LIMITED MAINTENANCE

In the spring of 2018 Dave Hischke of Sunrise Dairy in Suring, Wisconsin, replaced a malfunctioning digester with a bluTEQ infrared/auger drying system.  Dairy manure that was being pumped into a digester is now being pumped directly to a separator with the solids moving on to the bluTEQ  infrared/auger.  The manure moves slowly through 32 feet of infrared auger.  After 12 minutes the auger system delivers a final product that is 50% dry and 99% pathogen free. Bedding for Dave’s 1100 head of dairy cows is changed every day.  After just one month of new, clean bedding Dave saw his SCC counts drop from 220 to 110.  The digester is no longer in operation and the odor at the dairy has significantly been reduced.

bluTEQ bluTEQ was formed in 2009 with a mission to take advantage of the benefits of infrared. Since 2009 we have built drying products that service the wastewater and dairy industries. Today we continue to do research on infrared products that efficiently dry all types of products. MISSION bluTEQ’s mission is to work with users to provide drying solutions that remove water from products and eliminate pathogens with a process that is both economic and efficient. LEARN MORE To learn more about how bluTEQ can help your organization, contact us today.


EDINA, MN 55439



Dairy Industry

Municipal Waste Industry


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bluTEQ Infrared Systems ©2019.

All Rights Reserved.

DAIRY MANURE MANAGEMENT How bluTEQ Helps. bluTEQ works with Dairy farmers in providing economical and sterile bedding which is the exact dryness that the dairy cows want. After the manure is pumped from a lagoon or holding tank through a separator the remaining solids are delivered to the bluTEQ infrared auger. Through 40 feet of infrared heaters the auger slowly moves the product along. After 14 minutes of infrared heat the manure has reduced the water content from 25% to 50% and 99% of all pathogens have been killed. The new bedding is clean, odor free and dry. INFRARED DRYING TECHNOLOGY Infrared technology imitates the sun and through this process it provides enough heat and energy to effectively dry organic solids. The heating of a product directly means that significantly less energy is required to remove moisture. When incorporated in the correct drying system the result is a highly reliable, efficient and long lasting dryer that is attainable for even the tight budgets. BENEFITS PATHOGEN FREE BEDDING FOR YOUR CATTLE ODOR IS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED SPECIFIC DRYNESS CAN BE ACHIEVED CONTINUOUS FLOW SYSTEM INCLUDES: SAFETY CONTROLS & FIRE SAFETY SYSTEM REMOTE OPERATION AND MONITORING LIMITED MAINTENANCE
bluTEQ bluTEQ was formed in 2009 with a mission to take advantage of the benefits of infrared. Since 2009 we have built drying products that service the wastewater and dairy industries. Today we continue to do research on infrared products that efficiently dry all types of products. MISSION bluTEQ’s mission is to work with users to provide drying solutions that remove water from products and eliminate pathogens with a process that is both economic and efficient. LEARN MORE To learn more about how bluTEQ can help your organization, contact us today.


Dairy Industry

Municipal Waste Industry


Privacy Policy

bluTEQ Infrared Systems ©2019.

All Rights Reserved.


EDINA, MN 55439
